Norwood Oral Sedation
Like adults, many children are anxious or fearful when visiting the dentist. Many pediatric dentists use analgesia to sedate children during routine dental procedures, but some kids require a stronger sedative. For those children, oral sedation can significantly reduce anxiety and improve cooperation prior to and during treatment. A Norwood pediatric dentist will determine whether to administer oral sedation based on the child’s level of anxiety, cooperation skills, and the type of treatment being performed.
Did you know…that oral sedation does not cause your child to fall into a deep sleep? Though your child may appear very sleepy, he or she will be capable of being aroused throughout the course of treatment. You will notice that your child responds to simple commands, but will be completely relaxed and compliant for the duration of his or her dental procedure. |
Frequently Asked Questions
Does my child need oral sedation?
Oral sedation is recommended for children with high levels of dental anxiety or who are undergoing extensive oral treatment. The only way to know if oral sedation is right for your child is by speaking with his or her Norwood dentist at your next dental appointment.
What should I expect if my child is going to be sedated?
You can expect your child’s Norwood dentist to provide you with a list of instructions prior to your child’s dental visit. This may include a list of dietary restrictions in the hours leading up to the procedure. The sedative will not be administered until your child’s dentist has first connected your child to a vital signs monitor. Your child will begin to relax once the medication is administered and may remain sedated long after the procedure is complete. Before you leave, your child will remain in the dental office temporarily for observation.
Will I need to follow any post-treatment care instructions?
Your child may be very sleepy after being sedated and will probably have to be carried after the procedure. You will be instructed to supervise your child closely for the remainder of the day and prevent him or her from eating until numbness has worn off from the local anesthetic.